When a Mix or Channel is Sounding Muddy, Downward Expansion is an Effective Remedy

Downward Expansion to Decongest a Mix:

When a mix or channel is sounding muddy, downward expansion is an effective and musical remedy. Begin by selecting the problematic frequencies (around 150Hz-350Hz). Now set the threshold so the prominent parts of the audio are just reaching the threshold. The downward expansion will reduce the audio below the threshold, so it’s important to be purposeful with your placement. Set the down-ratio to around 3:1 to hear your audio begin to decongest. Adjust the attack and release to work with your audio.
An EQ can do this job in a static way, but it also reduces the volume of any punchy elements in the ‘muddy’ range. Downward expansion lets you maintain the volume of the music you want to hear whilst reducing less important muddy sounds.


Source: https://www.masteringthemix.com/


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