How To Transparently Fix Resonance In A Mix

How To Transparently Fix Resonance In A Mix: A resonance might only come into the mix at a certain point depending on the musical note, so you don’t want to statically cut the frequency. A dynamic EQ will be triggered only when the resonance kicks in, leaving the rest of the performance with its original tonal balance.

The trick here is to find the resonance and set the EQ band to 0dB. From that point, bring down the dynamic band with the thinnest possible Q so it’s focused on that specific frequency. Keep tweaking the dynamic gain reduction (keeping the main EQ at 0dB) until you feel like the resonance is under control.
It’s important to use your ears to set the exact amount of reduction when fixing resonances. There is a point the resonance is controlled and it’s no longer a problem, reduce it further and you’ll find that the channel will sound thin. Some resonances are very subtle and only require adjustments of a few dB for the sound to be natural.




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